Today I may challenge your conventional understanding and beliefs about sunlight!
Changing my approach to my environmental habits towards sun and natural light, has had the greatest impact on my life. I recently weaned off sunglasses (yes you read right!) and it has been a 6-month process which was has been more trying than limiting sugar in my diet… But the benefits have been astounding.
Sunlight is crucial for health and researchers have shown that safe, regular sun exposure increases Vitamin D levels which can:
- Eliminate or reduce depression
- Aid your metabolism
- Reduce your likelihood of common diseases such as heart disease, auto-immune conditions, the flu, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and infertility
- Dramatically reduce your chances of cancer- specifically melanoma (ironic?!)
Research by Authors Marc B Sorenson and William B. Grant has proven that with the advent of sunscreen and sun avoidance, melanoma incidence has skyrocketed by 3000% since 1935! Doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist, as well as a doctor of chiropractic medicine, Dr Axe notes that most adults are believed to be at least somewhat deficient in vitamin D, however, people with dark skin, people who live in northern regions of the world where less year-round sun exposure is experienced and those who are overweight have an even greater chance of experiencing vitamin D deficiency symptoms.
Healthline lists the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency as:
- Getting sick or infected often
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Bone and back pain
- Depression
- Impaired wound healing
- Bone loss
- Hair loss
- Muscle pain
There are quick and easy ways to ensure you’re not dying in the dark:
- Try and get your Vitamin D directly from the sun. Expose your eyes and skin to natural, healthy light every day
- Do not get burnt- avoid Sunscreen, and only use in exceptional circumstances (natural sunscreen only).
- Don’t wear sunglasses (it’s a journey to get there)
- Get your Vitamin D levels tested with your Medical Doctor: 60ng/ml – 80ng/ml is recommended by Dr. Sorenson
- If you need it, take a Vitamin D supplement and have your levels checked every 6 months
- Avoid junk light by wearing BON CHARGE glasses (Made To Thrive Clients receive a 15% discount when ordering with the code SteveStavs)
Perhaps its time to question yourself if you’re a sun-phobe?
What if you could improve your health?
Bathe yourself in sunlight knowledge with Dr. Sorenson’s podcast interview with Dr. Mercola or purchase a copy of Sorenson’s and Grant’s book “Embrace the Sun“.