Do The Best You Can Until You Know Better.
Then When You Know Better, Do Better” – Maya Angelou
We instinctively know that natural is best for our bodies, that the more synthetic and artificial, the more can go wrong. We carefully scan our food labels, know the dangers of smoking and drinking, and protect our brains and skulls from damage of any kind. We take supplements and exercise and yet still cannot understand why we are living below the wellness line.
In all likelihood, the missing piece is not something you need to add but rather remove from your life. Few understand that toxins are living and hiding in our everyday world. According to Dr Oli Wenker, Home Sweet Home is one of the most toxic spaces of all. Although toxins are rampant in our household and personal care products, little thought is given to what is put onto our skins, our body’s largest organ.
Brilliant marketing campaigns and years of propaganda, have misled us into believing that we need certain chemicals to be clean, to kill germs, to smell good and to look beautiful. This is not true. In reality, the adage “less is more” could not be more apt. We only need Mother Nature to do all these things. In fact, using these chemical-based products could ultimately be causing the exact thing you are most fearful of: an unhealthy life.
How can it be so toxic when one only uses nano amounts every day?
Bioaccumulation. Think of these unique chemicals as tiny little drops in a bucket. However, this bucket cannot be effectively emptied because our bodies are not designed to process synthetic chemicals of this nature. And so, they accumulate.
It is therefore alarming to understand that the average woman is exposed to 515 unique chemicals every day. She unknowingly, but willingly, applies these, 80 before she has even eaten breakfast. Moisturiser can contain up to 30 chemicals and fragrance up to 400 ingredients, protected under copyright law and usually held together by formaldehyde.
There is zero judgment here. We have all started with homes laden with toxins. This message is all about Awareness. Because, once we know better, it’s easier to do better. It is simpler, easier and more affordable than you realise to live a toxin free life. It takes minimal effort to switch to this lifestyle yet it is an investment that just keeps on giving. Essential Oils, are the life force of nature. They are concentrated plant extracts that capture the essence of plants, herbs and trees. The most superior of these are therapeutic grade essential oils, such as Young Living Essential Oils, which come with a Seed to Seal guarantee, so you know they are produced without any harmful ingredients. Along with everyday pantry items, these are all you need to provide some of the easiest and healthiest ways to care for your homes and your bodies.
Become the CEO of your family’s life and take control of what goes into your bodies.
If you love your friends and family, please share this message and contact me to know better and do better with toxic free living.