I’m not sure how many of you came across the anti-ageing article in the Sunday Times this past weekend (Old New Look at Age, Sunday Times: Lifestyle Supplement, Sunday 27 October 2019) but given that we’re in our series of biohacking, and this article referenced some of my international colleagues that I often mention in my blogs, we decided it was good timing to cover a few tips on Biohacking your Yageing– a new term we have coined for Youthful Ageing!
Author Chris Stokel-Walker references an interesting term known as ‘immortalists’- a group of anti-ageing crusaders whose mission it is to slow the ageing process down. At Made To Thrive, we prefer to turn this approach on its head– what if we could move away from trying to slow the ageing process, but rather extend a life of thriving with being as healthy and high-functioning for as long as possible? This is our ethos and how we take ‘A New Look at Youthful Ageing’ as opposed to an Old New Look at Age!
Made To Thrive’s top biohacking tips for Yageing include:
- Low calorie nutrition regimes including intermittent fasting and a ketogenic protocol
- A committed, mindful and concerted awareness and focus on the 7 pillars. Interestingly, 6 of these have been mentioned in this article and as we know, are the key contributors referenced as the determinants for extended life span in the Blue Zones. These include:
- Defining, embracing and living your purpose
- Community
- Nutrition
- Movement
- Environment
- Sleep
- Understand your blood markers so that you can use these insights to improve your function, longevity and thriving health. Whilst our modalities are all based on ancestral wisdom, we acknowledge that in the context of western, modern city living, we have the opportunity to tap into advanced tools that provide us with meaningful insights to support ways of improving our health based on a foundation of ancestral evolution.
- Made To Thrive does not advocate drugs in the yageing process. Rather, we are protagonists on lifestyle changes in line with the 7 pillars, that enable your body to yage naturally ‘from the inside out.’
- Blood Transfusions are something we are researching and exploring– and could be a very feasible option to consider in improved health, performance and functioning.
In 2020, we look forward to launching our Podcast series. We invite you to tune into these engagement opportunities where we will interview leading specialists in health and wellness and share tips on how to ensure you live a life of thriving.
If you’re interested in exploring ways to uniquely approach your ‘yageing’, book a consultation here.