I’ll give you a Clue… The Brain, the Nervous system and the Gut are all involved…
No, we are not talking about the biblical sins… but rather the deadly foods that we ingest very haphazardly every day, with no conscience or thought of what we are ingesting, could be wrecking havoc on your body.
Before we get started there are some things, we need to understand that these foods really affect certain areas of the body that literally inhibit function of the brain and nervous system – to its detriment and many of us are completely unaware of them. I recently listened to Dr Joe Esposito’s presentation of the foods that cause disease, and eventually death, if consumed perpetually. The thing is that these guilty parties are responsible for so much disease, it is hard to believe at times – However most importantly if we cut these out, we not only prolong our lives but improve the quality of our lives EVERYDAY as well as lower medical bills now and in the future.
The brain and the nervous system control everything. If these two systems are compromised in any way and we haven’t noticed, we are in trouble. The brain relies on the nervous system to communicate with every cell in the body- for that to happen we need a healthy gut.
Yes! A healthy gut- because over 95% of all neurotransmitters are made in the gut. Serotonin, the happy hormone, is produced here- many times we think it’s a neurological problem but upon assessing the state of the gut we see that it’s the microbiome that is compromised, the gut bacteria is unbalanced, there’s all manner of things going on and many times conditions like gut dysbiosis, a runny tummy and constipation is present. Balance the gut and the food is absorbed, and the waste eliminated like it did when they were babies. Problem solved This is how it is with all the neurotransmitters. ADHD has allot to do with the Dopamine Hormone- which is also produced in the gut. If the gut is in bad condition, production is in low supply, there for the concentration which dopamine directly contributes to as one of its many functions – is impaired.
- It kills brain cells. Once a brain cell dies, it never grows back.
- It dehydrates your body damaging other cells, even causing wrinkles. Many people say that it is good to drink red wine. – We say, yes Please eat the grapes they’re healthy – but the alcohol dehydrates us and causes many the problems.
- It causes Liver and Pancreas malfunction.
- Alcohol puts an extra burden on your detoxification organs, preventing them from doing their regular jobs and wearing them out. Your body uses its own fluid to flush out the toxins- which is why we dehydrate. If you want to drink alcohol have 3 glasses of water for every shot that you drink – (you will be going to the facilities allot, and this will probably deter you from having any more alcoholic beverages)
- It kills brain cells. Once a brain cell dies, it never grows back – However science has since discovered that neurons can actually regenerate using a really unique method if an area of the brain gets damaged – we call this method neurogenesis. What happens is the brain uses a secret supply of neural stem cells and transforms them into new neurons without using mitosis – intermittent fasting is one way of regenerating the brain-as well as getting plenty of sleep and going outside.
- It does not give you energy, it makes you weak and it processes all your vitamins and nutrients-leaving you malnourished.
- Insulin is the gatekeeper for the fat cells – when we ingest it – insulin comes to the rescue and the body puts the sugar in the fat cells, and all is well, but the fat cells are at capacity, then sugar lies in the blood. Sugar is an ACID and robs your body of its Calcium to neutralise it. In so doing causes osteoporosis.
- It can contain 9-12 teaspoons of sugar per can.
- It contains a dangerous ingredient Phosphoric Acid (especially in colas – pour a can on your car, watch it eat the paint) it’s literally paint stripper.
- It may appear to quench your thirst, but it is a Diuretic and will drain your body of vital fluids and nutrients.
- These drinks have a direct impact on your bone density and health as a result of the phosphoric acid draining the calcium levels that is so needed in the bones.
Artificial sweeteners:
These can get into your brain, causing seizures, headaches and actually make you feel hungry. They mimic the action that sugar has in the blood releasing insulin.
- Artificial sweeteners (artificially mimic) the raising of sugar levels and bring the same crash that happens when you ingest sugar, making you as fatigued and sometimes craving sugar even more than having had real sugar.
- As A RESULT, they can cause you to gain weight as a result of increased desire for sweet things) and weight on the hips and buttocks.
- Aspartame will convert to Methanol, which is a form of alcohol known to cause vision problems and blindness.
- So, we have moved from the blue sachet EQUAL to the yellow sachet- SPLENDA: this is not as innocent as we would like to think. Its Sucralose which is a chlorinated hydrocarbon. In a 5 -step process they chlorinate the hydrocarbon and when it gets into your body it stimulates your oestrogen receptor sites producing more Oestrogen. Oestrogen is a growth hormone which produces abnormal cell growth, like cancer for example.
A fantastic alternative to sucralose is Agave, Monk Fruit Sugar or stevia all of which are natural and do not harm the body the way artificial alternatives do.
These are just some of the top food sins, and there are many more that may be affecting your health. If this has made you think twice about what you consume, Please reach out to us for on contact@madetothrive.co.za and we will set you up with a coach to guide you on these, and anything else that you would like coaching and feedback on.
We can help you walk into your ideal self sooner rather than later. Have a fabulous healthy whole amazing filled day!