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What’s the deal with Gut Health?

We’re a world of billions and billions of living bacteria that create their own community inside of us. This world is pretty powerful in its ability to direct our health and wellness. So much is coming to light in terms of gut health and the role our gut microbiome plays in our immunity, mood and general wellbeing, yet many of us are still unaware of the truth that: “we are what we eat”.
Getting Down to the Microlevel

Getting down to the microlevel

Our gut biome is the community of bacteria, viruses and fungi residing within us.

Don’t get freaked out… it’s pretty normal.

Some harmful bacteria are associated with disease, but trillions of other helpful bacteria are actually beneficial to our immune systems, heart, weight and even mood. Our gut microbiome begins to play a part in our lives even from within the womb.


Little helpers

What role do these helpful bacteria play?

  • Assist in immune function
  • Help with digestion
  • Assist in mood and wellbeing: new research shows a link between gut microbiome and the nervous system


Added extra?

Good bacteria, also known as probiotics, have been recommended by health professionals to help with various ailments. As an added extra to your diet, probiotics are used to treat:

  • Bowel problems such as IBS
  • Eczema
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Yeast infections
  • and diarrhoea

How do I ensure I’m getting enough good bacteria?

Eat life! Eating “life” is all about finding foods that are full of life and living bacteria. These are found in fermented foods and drinks, as well as certain yoghurts. Ensuring you’re ingesting viable probiotics (living strains of bacteria) and prebiotics (the fibres that assist good bacteria growth) will set you up on your nutrient journey of wellness.



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