Life is a complex and mysterious phenomenon that has puzzled and fascinated humans for centuries. Some people believe that life has a predefined meaning and purpose, while others think that life is what you make of it. In this article, we will explore meaning and purpose in life, and how they can help you live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
Meaning vs Purpose
Before we dive into the different ways of finding meaning and purpose in life, let us first clarify what these terms mean. Meaning and purpose are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing.
Meaning refers to the significance or value of something.
Purpose refers to the intention or goal of something.
For example, the meaning of life could be to love and be loved, while the purpose of life could be to serve others and make a positive impact.
However, meaning and purpose are closely related, and they can influence each other. Finding meaning in life can give you a sense of direction and motivation, while having a purpose in life can give you a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to consider both aspects when searching for your own meaning and purpose in life.
Different Perspectives on Life Meaning and Purpose
There is no one right or wrong answer to the question of what is the meaning and purpose of life. Different people may have different views and beliefs, depending on their personal experiences, values, culture, religion and philosophy.
Incorporating “Ikigai” and “Meraki” in our quest for meaning and purpose
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being” or “a reason to get up in the morning”. It is a lifestyle that seeks to balance the spiritual with the practical, by finding the intersection of your passions, talents, values, and vocation. Ikigai can help you live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, by pursuing activities that you enjoy, excel at, contribute to the world, and get paid for. Ikigai is different for everyone, and you have to discover your own ikigai through reflection, exploration, goal-setting, and action.
Meraki is a Greek word that means “to do something with passion, love, or creativity; to put something of yourself into your work”. It is often used to describe the feeling of joy and satisfaction that comes from expressing oneself through art, music, writing, cooking, etc. For example, you could say “She painted with meraki, pouring her emotions into every stroke”.
How to Find Your Own Meaning and Purpose in Life
Ultimately, you have to find your own meaning and purpose in life based on your own preferences, passions, talents, values and goals. Here are some tips that can help you with this process:
- Reflect on your life: Take some time to think about your past experiences, your present situation, and your future aspirations. What are the things that make you happy? What are the things that make you sad? What are the things that make you angry? What are the things that make you curious? What are the things that make you proud? What are the things that make you regretful? These questions can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, interests, passions and values.
- Explore your options: Try new things, learn new skills, meet new people, visit new places. Expose yourself to different perspectives, cultures, ideas and opportunities. You never know what you might discover or enjoy. You might find something that sparks your interest or passion or gives you a sense of fulfilment or satisfaction.
- Set your goals: Based on your reflection and exploration, decide what you want to achieve or accomplish in your life. What are your short-term and long-term goals? What are your personal and professional goals? What are your realistic and idealistic goals? These goals can help you define your purpose and direction in life.
- Pursue your goals: Take action to pursue your goals and overcome any obstacles or challenges that you may face. Be persistent, resilient and adaptable. Seek feedback, support and guidance from others who can help you. Celebrate your progress and achievements and learn from your failures and mistakes.
- Review your goals: Periodically review your goals and evaluate your performance and satisfaction. Are you on track to achieve your goals? Are you happy with your goals? Are you celebrating the micro wins?
Finding meaning and purpose in life is most certainly a worthwhile task. It can help you live a more fulfilling and satisfying life adding to your positive difference in the world. There is no one right or wrong way to find meaning and purpose in life, but rather, it is a personal and individual journey. We hope that this article has given you some insights and tips on how to find meaning and purpose in life and we wish you all the best in your quest.