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Reframing: Living My Best Life

New day.
New start.

I read something simple, yet profound, the other day which I’ll share with you quickly: 

The best part about life?

Every morning you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself.

Read that again.


Second chances?

Have you ever felt like it’s too late? The mess is too big?

Here’s an opportunity to reframe your thinking and enter the invitation to choose to live your best life (no matter what’s happened).

Every mess can be cleaned up, some messes just take longer to clean than others.


Simple hack questions to get you started

Reframing - Simple HacksTake some time out in this moment to pause. Stop and be, and choose to consciously be kind to yourself. Pull out your journal and think deeply about these questions, connect your heart and your head and write whatever comes to mind.

What feels messy?
What can I do about that?

What is it that I am looking for in this moment?
What can I do about that?

What does my heart need today?
How does that make me feel?
Who can I share that need with?

What words can I choose so I am heard?


Who am I, right now in my life?

Do I love who I am?

How does that make me feel?

Who taught me to be who I am?

How does that make me feel?

What one thing can I do to change the way I feel about this?

What makes me happy?

How can I bring that into my everyday life?

What am I going to do today that will impact my tomorrow?

Who do I need to share this plan with?



The best part about life?

Every morning you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself.

Before You Leave...

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