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Food Isnt About Feeding Your Stomach

Food Isn’t About Feeding Your Stomach

No matter how delicious something looks or tastes, food isn’t just about feeding your stomach or enjoying some delicious mouth pleasure. What food is aiming to accomplish is to nourish and support the biological functions of your body. And that isn’t happening at alarming rates. Global malnutrition, even in countries with food surpluses, is a disturbing trend. Yet it’s no mystery why. Food is not made equal. To get the same amount of nutrients, it takes eating literally kilos of some foods and literally just grams of others. And people are eating far too much of what provides them too little and far too little of what provides them more than enough.

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Whats the deal with Gut Health

What’s the deal with Gut Health?

You are what you eat? Adding life to your diet has shown to support your immune system, mood and general wellbeing. Get stuck into some good food for thought with good bacteria.

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