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The Made To Thrive Show


Catch up on the latest episodes of our podcast, The Made to Thrive Show with Steve Stavs.  In these podcasts Steve Stavs explores topics and biohacks to help you Optimise your mind, body and soul.

 Follow on all major podcast platforms to listen on the go, stream directly below, or catch the video recording on Steve Stavs’s YouTube Channel.

Podcast Reviews

“One of the Best Jack Kruse interviews I have heard. The host was very well prepared and set up the questions perfectly. I would recommend it to everyone.”
via Apple Podcasts - Denmark
“Steve you are incredible in keeping me sane in a sometimes insane world. Thanks for sharing life hacks and information through these podcasts and your treatments.
via Apple Podcasts - South Africa
“I have learnt an incredible amount on regenerative treatment. We really need more of this here in Africa and should really be embraced as a medical alternative to surgery.”
via Apple Podcasts · Botswana
“Love this podcast with very interesting guests on the show that share very good insights into health concepts that you would struggle to find online by your own research”
via Apple Podcasts - South Africa
“This man has changed my world. Such depth, fantastic insights and sound advice. I highly recommend following this man of integrity and great wisdom!”
Bruce Askham
via Apple Podcasts - South Africa
“Steve is a leading voice in his field. So enjoying his very relevant topics, excellent guests and the wealth of expertise he brings to the conversations.”
via Apple Podcasts · South Africa
“Steve is the first health practitioner I have come across in South Africa who is completely up to date on the latest research being conducted worldwide. His podcast reflects this interest in current health breakthroughs and makes fascinating listening.”
via Apple Podcasts - South Africa
“Absolutely loving this podcast. Each session is so informative and mind opening. It has made me look at things with a completely new perspective and has allowed me to make small changes to improve my health.”
Nicolle Frazer
via Apple Podcasts · South Africa
“Wow! What a podcast, not only was there such depth to the topics and unique perspectives but it was easy to follow and understand”
h a n n
via Apple Podcasts - South Africa

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