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Doug Johnson

Doug Johnson

Helping technical people lead teams
There are many people who have been promoted in their organisations because they have technical skills, or they have been around the longest. These people are the primary focus of Doug’s coaching. He equips them with the skills to lead, and the tools to manage.

Over the past 35 years, observing the number of businesses and organisations that have failed because of the inability of people to lead teams, he has developed a coaching engagement methodology that addresses this reality. The focus is on the leader, but the benefit is for the whole team.

Areas of focus
Relationships, Communication, Productivity, How we are “wired”, Leadership and Influence, Conflict management, Strategic thinking.

Doug’s Background
Doug started his first business in 1974. That business is still operating today. He has since started multiple businesses, and worked in the corporate and Non-profit world. He studied Industrial Engineering at Wits Technicon. In all of this time he has been a student of leadership.

He has been called “The team whisperer “

He is still happily married after 45 years (to the same wife). He has 2 children, is a grandfather and a great-grandfather.

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